Local Real Estate Experts Needed!

In every city, in every area, we need an Expert Lifestyle Realtor – why not that person be you! I challenge every Realtor out there to be the best they can be to become their areas Expert Lifestyle Realtor. What does that mean?…it means that you should be your areas “go-to,” “#1” agent for all things real estate minded. After all, you know your area best – right?…Of course you do! You aren’t just selling real estate, you’re selling a lifestyle! No matter where you live: the city, the mountains, the coast, or the country – people are living a lifestyle & you should be the one providing the homes they live in.

So, how do you become your areas Expert Lifestyle Realtor?…I’ll provide a link below that lists the steps to take, but most importantly, we all know the power of the internet and the great avenues of real estate it brings to the public. From community information such as local events, to new on market listings, you will be the one whose website content, blog and social media network updates come up the most in search engines, as you will have the latest news posted. Daily posts and updates that include tags and images are keys in reaching this goal, otherwise you will fall off the search engines.

Here are some reasons why it’s important that we have an Expert Lifestyle Realtor in every area, in every city…

1) Real estate will always be here – people will always need a home to live in.

2) Community information, not just on schools, but on local events, positive city news and changes in the market updates for certain neighborhoods is very valuable data that residents must know about.

3) Do you love your area?…blog about it – make a short list (or maybe a long one) of the things that you love about your area. People living there or folks that are relocating to your area will want to know what’s new and exciting!

Here’s a couple ways you can benefit from being your areas Expert Lifestyle Realtor:

1) You have the knowledge. Knowledge is power – put it to good use & you will have fortunes!

2) You’ll have fans! Everyone likes to be liked and have a sense of being wanted & needed – you are that person & people want to hear from you!

You might be thinking…”well, I have all those social media networks and I do blog”…or for some of you, you might think “well my brokerage office provides all of this”…but are you showing up on the search engines?…probably not, infact I know most of you are not. I challenge each of you to go online and search for your areas real estate (don’t search your name – for those that don’t know you, how will they find you). For instance search: “your city state homes for sale”, or “your city state real estate.” Even better try searching “your neighborhood city state homes for sale.” The answer behind you dropping off the search engines (or never showing up at all) is simple: SEO, tags & #Hashtags. When you have properly placed tags I guarantee you will show up. I see plenty of real estate blogs and websites everyday that have single words as tags…like “beautiful” “scenic”… okay, but what’s beautiful?…and where is it scenic?…

As promised here are some of the steps to take to increase your online presence & become your areas Expert Lifestyle Realtor. If you need a Real Estate Marketing Specialist to help you achieve your real estate goals, contact me today & find out how my Essential Real Estate Package will benefit you!

Remember the road to success in reaching this goal is maintaining the daily posts and social media updates. You will fall off search engines if you stop posting daily updates. Not many agents can, nor should they. Agents are wanted and needed more out in the field then in the office. You can have a unique, niche real estate branded website, social media & become your areas Expert Lifestyle Realtor – for less than you think! You can be frugal with your marketing, while being the heart of your area’s real estate. Pump your knowledge through a Branded WordPress site & Social Media Networks – watch your business flourish!

Socially Yours,
Kristine M.
International Virtual Real Estate Marketing Specialist
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